Easy Pieces of Content You Can Share Over The Holidays

Our favorite time of the year is here and while things are slowing down, many people are taking breaks (which is IMPORTANT!) so sometimes their content slows down too. If you plan on taking a break, unplugging and giving yourself time away from the business, there are pieces of content that you can plan and schedule ahead so that your social media is still running smoothly while you are away.

Content Piece: Happy Holidays!

This is kind of a no brainer but it’s true! Schedule out your happy holidays social post or email to send to your community. The holiday season is a great reminder of all the things we’ve accomplished or had the strength to get through (did someone say COVID?!) so taking out the time to wish your community a happy holiday is easy and thoughtful.

Content Piece: A Look Back/Year in Review

While this year may not have gone as we imagined, there is still so much you’ve accomplished no matter how big or small you think it is. Share pieces of your year, what were you most grateful for? What were some of your client wins? What hobbies did you pick up? How did you take care of yourself this year? Think about those things and you can tweak, edit and share with your audience based on what makes the most sense for your business and brand.

Content Piece: What are you looking forward to in the New Year?

Now, understandably so, 2020 created a lot of anxiety and many of us are keeping our eyes out for what 2021 may bring. Content around new year planning, goal setting, thinking forward inspires others to really consider doing the same. So, whether it’s writing prompts, Instagram Polls or Questions, conversations around goal setting, planning ahead and looking to a new year is always, always good content.

Content Piece: Promote others, Collaborate and Share

Do you follow someone that inspires you? A business, influencer or content creator that you love supporting. During the slow season it’s a good time to take the focus off of you and shine light to industry peers that are doing great things! You can never go wrong with a business Woman Crush Wednesday (WCW) or Follow Friday and share some of your favs with your audience. Remember, we do better together, so don’t be shy in sharing some love and light to those you like to support!

Hopefully these ideas are great for your business and brand to showcase over the holiday season. Let us know if you’ve already mapped out your content or have ideas to share!